Annual Events
In addition to all the fun we typically have, our Post puts on a number of events that happen annually around the same time each year. Be on the look out on our Facebook page for details as these events surface. Each year we improve on our fundraisers and activities and we welcome your input. Feel free to email us if you have ideas or would like to volunteer.
New Years Day Bean Bag Tournament
Annual Veterans Run is held the first Sunday in June
Trunk or Treat is held on Halloween
Halloween Costume Party is held the Saturday closest to Halloween
Legion Birthday Celebration
Falls typically the Saturday that falls closest to March 15th (the Legion Birthday)
Auxiliary Golf Tournament is held the 2nd or 3rd Saturday in August
Rib Fest is held the Saturday before Labor Day Weekend
SAL Thanksgiving Eve Party is held the Wednesday before the holiday
Thanksgiving Dinner is served on turkey day
Memorial Parade & Wild West Karaoke Finals are held the Saturday of Memorial Weekend
Memorial Services held on Monday
Fall Patio Party, typically the last Saturday in September
Auxiliary Toy Drop is held the first Saturday in December
Army vs. Navy Game is typically the second Saturday in December or when the football game is scheduled.