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Horse Shoe Leagues

Horseshoe League

Our leagues start the first week of May and run through the end of August. League night is every Thursday at 6:30 pm (or earlier...) 


A few details:

  • Clean up is usually the end of April (dates will be announced)

  • Start is the first Thursday in May

  • Last Night first Thursday in September (make up games need to be done before last night)

  • Tournament first Saturday in September

  • $30 a person paid on clean up day or the first day of leagues (sign up ahead of time!!)

  • Schedules and Contact info are posted on our group Facebook page

  • Make up games are allowed but must be completed before the last league night

  • Outdoor food and beverage service is always available during league nights and tournaments


Interested? Join our Facebook group and stay up to date on registration, dates, etc.



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